In Greer, South Carolina, a motorcycle rider has tragically lost his life following a crash. The Greenville County Coroner’s Office has identified the rider as Scott Matthew McKnight, a 41-year-old resident of Simpsonville. The incident occurred on SC 14, about two miles east of Greer. McKnight was traveling east on SC 14 while a 2000 Honda sedan was traveling west. The collision happened when the driver of the Honda attempted to make a left turn onto Tandem Drive, resulting in a collision with McKnight. Sadly, McKnight died at the scene, while the driver of the Honda sustained injuries and was taken to the hospital. The cause of McKnight’s death was determined to be blunt force trauma, and it has been ruled as accidental. Investigation into the crash is currently being conducted by the Greenville County Coroner’s Office and the South Carolina Highway Patrol.
This devastating incident took place in Greer, South Carolina, where a motorcycle rider lost his life in a tragic crash. Identified as Scott Matthew McKnight, a 41-year-old resident of Simpsonville, he was involved in a collision on SC 14, just two miles east of Greer. While McKnight was traveling east on SC 14, a 2000 Honda sedan was traveling west. The collision occurred when the driver of the Honda attempted a left turn onto Tandem Drive, resulting in a collision with McKnight. Unfortunately, McKnight was pronounced dead at the scene, while the driver of the Honda sustained injuries and was transported to the hospital for treatment. The Greenville County Coroner’s Office has determined that the cause of McKnight’s death was blunt force trauma, and it has been classified as an accidental death. The investigation into this tragic crash is being carried out jointly by the Greenville County Coroner’s Office and the South Carolina Highway Patrol.
Tragedy struck in Greer, South Carolina, as a motorcycle rider lost his life in a devastating crash. The individual has been identified as Scott Matthew McKnight, a 41-year-old resident of Simpsonville. The collision occurred on SC 14, located approximately two miles east of Greer. McKnight was traveling east on SC 14 at the time, while a 2000 Honda sedan was traveling in the opposite direction. The collision took place when the driver of the Honda attempted to make a left turn onto Tandem Drive, resulting in a collision with McKnight. The aftermath of the crash was catastrophic, with McKnight succumbing to his injuries at the scene, while the driver of the Honda sustained injuries and was subsequently transported to the hospital for medical attention. The Greenville County Coroner’s Office has determined that the cause of McKnight’s death was blunt force trauma, ruling it as an accidental death. The Greenville County Coroner’s Office and the South Carolina Highway Patrol are currently conducting an investigation to shed light on the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking incident.