Wind and solar plants have experienced rapid growth as wind turbines become more efficient and solar panels more affordable. At the same time, efforts to block these renewable energy sources have also grown rapidly, especially since 2021. In fact, 15% of counties nationwide are impeding new utility-scale wind and solar energy. These impediments include outright bans, zoning restrictions, specialized land-use rules, and political stonewalls. As a result, the ability to gauge these impediments required in-depth research into a variety of local regulations.
For example, in Pulaski County, Indiana, a proposed wind farm faced backlash from residents who feared the negative economic impact, health concerns, and negative effects on the environment. As a result, the county commission imposed a ban on all commercial wind turbines from the county, citing the need to protect the residents’ health, safety, and general welfare. Several other counties across the country have employed similar bans and moratoriums, making it virtually impossible to establish renewable energy projects. These restrictions often extend to noise limits, setbacks and ridgeline rules, further hindering the prospects for solar and wind power development in certain states.
While some states remain open to renewable energy, others, particularly conservative-leaning locales, have become staunchly resistant to wind and solar energy, resulting in a significant overall reduction in wind and solar capacity across the nation. The analysis of county-level restrictions on renewables has revealed the dire need for legislative change and measures to streamline the siting efforts for renewable energy projects. This growing opposition, coupled with the restrictions originating at the local level, calls for a re-evaluation of state policies regarding the placement and regulation of wind and solar power.