After winning the lottery, most winners opt for the lump sum payout, which is typically less than half of the total jackpot amount. This allows them to receive the maximum amount of money immediately, rather than in annual installments that would be subject to federal taxes. Mark Cuban, a self-made billionaire and TV personality, advises against taking the lump sum, citing concerns that winners may not invest the money wisely and risk blowing it all at once.
Instead, Cuban recommends taking the annuity payout, which guarantees the highest take-home winnings possible and prevents winners from overspending the jackpot. While choosing the annuity means receiving payments over a longer period of time, it eliminates the pressure to make complex investment decisions right away. Cuban emphasizes that not everyone is skilled at investing, and it is better to live comfortably by putting the money in the bank rather than risking losses through risky investments.
By following Cuban’s advice and opting for the annuity payout, lottery winners can ensure long-term financial security and avoid the pitfalls of mismanaging a large sum of money. Cuban also suggests seeking the guidance of a tax attorney to develop a comprehensive plan for maximizing the annuity payout and securing a stable financial future. Ultimately, prioritizing financial stability and peace of mind over risky investments can lead to a happier and stress-free life for lottery winners.