Home Latest News Agent who tried to save JFK opens up 60 years after assassination: NPR

Agent who tried to save JFK opens up 60 years after assassination: NPR

Agent who tried to save JFK opens up 60 years after assassination: NPR

The 60th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination brings reflections from Secret Service agent Clint Hill who tried to save the president and first lady. On the day of the infamous assassination in Dallas, Hill was positioned on the running board of the follow-up car, just behind the presidential limousine. As the motorcade progressed through Dealey Plaza, Hill heard a loud noise and immediately ran onto the back of the presidential limousine after seeing the president’s reaction. He used his body as a shield as the vehicle sped toward the hospital and remained riddled with guilt and shame in the years that followed.

After the assassination, Hill struggled with guilt and developed ongoing health issues, including an extreme depressed state, that ultimately led to his retirement from the Secret Service. In a 1975 episode of 60 Minutes, Hill expressed regret for not saving the president faster, grappling with the label of “hero.” Despite appearing indifferent to being considered a hero, Hill has found solace in opening up about his experience to his wife, Lisa McCubbin Hill, with whom he has written several books. He encourages those struggling with PTSD to talk to someone they trust in order to feel better about their situation.

Describing the six-second period in Dallas, Hill expresses that the assassination was not an easy thing to live with. Reflecting on his well-being afterward and struggling with feelings of guilt, Hill reveals his emotional state and how speaking openly about his experience is helping with his PTSD. Despite being known as the man who climbed onto the president’s car, Hill has looked for comfort through sharing his experience and encourages those struggling with similar emotional issues to do the same as part of the healing process.

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