Home Latest News California voters considering reforms to law linked to increased theft rates.

California voters considering reforms to law linked to increased theft rates.

California voters considering reforms to law linked to increased theft rates.

A controversial law in California, Proposition 47, which reduced some felonies to misdemeanors and set a $950 threshold for shoplifting charges, could face reform as a new initiative to repeal portions of the law has qualified for the November 5 general election. Critics of Prop. 47 blame it for a rise in retail thefts and brazen flash mob robberies, which are often captured on surveillance video and shared online. The initiative has garnered over 600,000 valid petition signatures, surpassing the required amount, and is set to be certified by the secretary of state on June 27.

Supporters of the new initiative argue that Prop. 47 was too lenient on criminals and led to an increase in crime, including smash-and-grab robberies. However, some experts caution against blaming the law for the rise in crime, stating that crime statistics do not definitively link it to Prop. 47. If the initiative passes, penalties for drug and theft offenses could be raised, and individuals with two or more prior theft-related convictions could face harsher punishment for shoplifting. Governor Gavin Newsom and other California lawmakers have expressed opposition to the measure and have their own bill package in place as an alternative approach to addressing these issues.

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