Home Latest News Elephant escapes in Montana, captured after wandering streets.

Elephant escapes in Montana, captured after wandering streets.

Elephant escapes in Montana, captured after wandering streets.

An elderly elephant named Viola escaped from the Jordan World Circus in Butte, Montana, after being spooked by a vehicle. The massive animal roamed the streets of Butte, dwarfing vehicles as it walked around Harrison Avenue. This is not the first time Viola has escaped, as she has previously broken free in 2010 and 2014.

Despite the brief scare, Viola was recaptured without incident by circus staff within about 20 minutes of her escape. Sheriff Ed Lester of the Butte-Silver Bow Law Enforcement Department confirmed that no damage or injuries were reported during the incident. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) identified the elephant as Viola and noted her previous escapes due to being spooked.

The circus continued as scheduled after Viola was safely returned to her confinements. The heartwarming ending to the escapade left officials relieved and the community of Butte buzzing about the unexpected sight of an elephant walking down their streets. The event serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of wild animals, even in a traveling circus setting.

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