Home Latest News Revolutionary Speaker Saga Ignites Change among Mainstream Republicans

Revolutionary Speaker Saga Ignites Change among Mainstream Republicans

Revolutionary Speaker Saga Ignites Change among Mainstream Republicans

A group of mainstream House Republicans are launching a revolution against GOP Speaker nominee Jim Jordan, as they continue to oppose his candidacy. The group of 22 Republicans, including members from swing districts and safe ones, are frustrated with Jordan’s combative politics and lack of skills needed to be an effective Speaker. This organized move against Jordan is a response to the hard-line conservatives who have used maximum leverage tactics throughout the year to push their own agenda. Some Republicans are also resentful of Jordan allies who refused to support previous nominee Steve Scalise but now demand support for Jordan.

The holdouts against Jordan have faced pressure campaign tactics, with outside commentators and activists inflaming their opposition to Jordan. Some members have received swarms of phone calls and even death threats. Jordan has condemned these threats, and insists he has broad support from a diverse range of members. Despite the opposition to Jordan, it is uncertain whether the Republicans voting against him would go as far as working with Democrats to empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry. The objections to Jordan are viewed by his supporters as mostly emotional, with some questioning what the holdouts are doing besides opposing his nomination.

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