Home Latest News Smartmatic reaches settlement with One America News Network for lawsuit.

Smartmatic reaches settlement with One America News Network for lawsuit.

Smartmatic reaches settlement with One America News Network for lawsuit.

The voting technology company Smartmatic has reached a settlement with conservative cable network One America News (OANN) regarding the network’s coverage of the 2020 election. The terms of the settlement remain confidential, with Smartmatic’s lead attorney confirming the resolution of the lawsuit without disclosing further details. This legal action was part of a series of lawsuits targeting right-leaning media outlets for spreading unproven or false claims of election fraud.

Smartmatic, based in Florida, has also filed lawsuits against Fox News Channel and Newsmax for similar reasons, with those cases still ongoing. The company’s involvement in the 2020 election was limited to technology use in Los Angeles County, yet pro-Trump figures alleged widespread interference. Smartmatic’s lawsuit claimed that OANN knowingly spread disinformation about the company, damaging its reputation and causing financial harm. The company accused OANN of prioritizing ratings over truth in its coverage of election-related issues.

While OANN denies the validity of Smartmatic’s allegations, the network faced consequences in terms of reduced viewership after being dropped by cable providers DirecTV and Verizon Fios in 2022. The settlement between Smartmatic and OANN reflects a broader trend of legal actions taken by voting technology companies against media outlets for spreading misinformation. As the legal battles continue, the outcome of these cases may have implications for how news organizations report on elections in the future.

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