Home Latest News Trial for Trump’s hush money scandal in New York concludes within 13 words.

Trial for Trump’s hush money scandal in New York concludes within 13 words.

Trial for Trump’s hush money scandal in New York concludes within 13 words.

Prospective Juror No. 5, a native New Yorker living on the Upper West Side, revealed during jury selection that he does not follow the news. Despite his lack of media consumption, he expressed neutrality when asked about his beliefs regarding Donald Trump as a candidate, stating that the person on trial is the one being judged, not any external factors. This prospective juror emphasized his commitment to fairness and impartiality, affirming that he would judge the defendant as he would judge himself.

His disinterest in news consumption and his neutral stance on political figures make him an intriguing candidate for the jury pool, reflecting a unique perspective that may be valuable in ensuring a fair trial. By emphasizing a personal code of fairness and self-judgment, this prospective juror demonstrates a commitment to upholding justice without bias or outside influence. His responses shed light on his individual philosophy towards judging others, suggesting a thoughtful and introspective approach to the responsibilities of serving on a jury.

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