Home Latest News Video: Trump and Biden react to age question during debate.

Video: Trump and Biden react to age question during debate.

Video: Trump and Biden react to age question during debate.

During the 2024 CNN Presidential Debate, both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were questioned about their age and how it may affect their ability to serve as President. Biden, who is currently the oldest president in American history, defended his age by emphasizing his experience and track record in politics. Trump, on the other hand, highlighted his own health and fitness as evidence that age should not be a determining factor in a candidate’s ability to lead.

Despite their differing responses, both candidates made it clear that they were confident in their ability to effectively carry out the duties of the presidency, regardless of their age. Biden emphasized his long history in the political arena, while Trump pointed to his overall health and vitality as proof that age should not be a concern. The debate shed light on the ongoing debate surrounding age and leadership in politics, with both candidates seeking to reassure voters that they were up to the task of leading the country.

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