Home Latest News World media critics slam Biden-Trump debate in scathing reviews.

World media critics slam Biden-Trump debate in scathing reviews.

World media critics slam Biden-Trump debate in scathing reviews.

In a high-stakes televised clash between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, international media sources universally condemned the performance of both candidates during the presidential debate as sensationalized and reality-show-like. From Moscow to New Delhi, pundits criticized Biden for appearing weak and disjointed, while Trump was also called out for spreading lies and making incoherent statements. While the global media’s verdict varied, the general consensus was that both White House rivals failed to impress viewers from around the world.

Russian media outlets denounced Biden’s performance, branding it a “total failure” and suggesting that he lacked the mental and physical fitness required to lead the country. In China, the debate was likened to a reality show, with audiences enjoying the theatrics of the event and noting the candidates’ personal attacks against each other. Meanwhile, Indian media highlighted Trump’s aggression and Biden’s struggle, emphasizing key takeaways from the debate that could impact the rest of the election campaign.

Other countries across the world, such as Israel, Latin America, Mexico, and Turkey, also provided their unique perspectives on the debate. While Israel critiqued Biden’s perceived weakness, Latin American media reported on rancorous exchanges, and Mexican outlets focused on immigration policies. Turkish media, on the other hand, criticized Biden’s poor performance and suggested that a new era under Trump might be approaching. Overall, the global response to the US presidential debate showcased a shared sentiment of disappointment and concern about the future leadership of the United States.

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