Home Technology Able to capture 156.3 trillion frames per second: groundbreaking camera technology.

Able to capture 156.3 trillion frames per second: groundbreaking camera technology.

Able to capture 156.3 trillion frames per second: groundbreaking camera technology.

Scientists have developed an ultra-fast scientific camera, named SCARF, that is capable of capturing images at an incredible encoding rate of 156.3 terahertz (THz) per individual pixel — equivalent to a staggering 156.3 trillion frames per second. This breakthrough technology has the potential to revolutionize the study of micro-events that occur too quickly to be detected by current scientific sensors. With the ability to capture events such as absorption in a semiconductor and the demagnetization of a metal alloy, SCARF opens up new possibilities in fields like shock wave mechanics and medicine.

Led by Professor Jinyang Liang from Canada’s Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), the research team behind SCARF built on previous breakthroughs in ultrafast photography to create a camera that operates in a unique manner. By using a computational imaging modality, the camera allows light to enter its sensor at different times, enabling it to capture phenomena like “chirped” laser pulses at an incredibly high rate. Despite its advanced capabilities, SCARF is described as a low-cost, low-power device that offers high measurement quality compared to existing techniques, making it an attractive option for scientific research.

While SCARF is primarily focused on research applications, the team is already collaborating with companies to develop commercial versions of the camera. By leveraging off-the-shelf and passive optical components, SCARF offers a cost-effective and efficient solution for capturing ultrafast events that were previously inaccessible. With the potential for widespread use in academic and scientific institutions, SCARF represents a significant advancement in ultrafast imaging technology.

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