Meta has concluded its 2023 Connect keynote, where it unveiled new details about the Meta Quest 3 headset and announced a collaboration with Ray-Ban for smart glasses. The Quest 3 features full color passthrough and is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chip, offering improved performance compared to its predecessor. The headset also introduces new features such as haptic feedback on the controllers and support for Xbox Cloud Gaming. Additionally, Meta showcased its collaboration with Ray-Ban for the Meta smart glasses, which boast enhanced specifications and features compared to the Ray-Ban Stories. Pre-orders for both devices are now open.
In addition to hardware updates, Meta also shared advancements in AI technology. The company introduced more than 25 AI chatbot personalities voiced by celebrities, and its new generative AI assistant, Meta AI, will be supported on various platforms. Instagram will soon offer generative AI image editing, allowing users to transform their photos with different styles such as watercolor paintings. Furthermore, Meta is developing a generative AI-powered green screen feature similar to YouTube’s, as well as AI-generated stickers for Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger, and Facebook Stories. These AI updates aim to enhance user experiences and expand the capabilities of Meta’s platforms.
Overall, Meta’s 2023 Connect keynote presented significant updates in hardware, highlighting the advancements of the Meta Quest 3 headset and the collaboration with Ray-Ban for smart glasses. Alongside these hardware innovations, the company also showcased its progress in AI technology, introducing new chatbot personalities and generative AI features for social media platforms. These developments demonstrate Meta’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence to create immersive and engaging experiences for its users.