In the highly anticipated Supergirl movie, produced by James Gunn and directed by Craig Gillespie, Milly Alcock, known for her role in House of the Dragon, is set to star as Supergirl. The film, scheduled for release in summer 2026, has cast Belgian actor Matthias Schoenaerts as the antagonist. Schoenaerts, whose previous work includes the 2020 film The Old Guard, is expected to play Krem of the Yellow Hills, a villain from the 2022 Tom King-Bilquis Evely comic series Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.
According to Deadline, the plot involving Krem of the Yellow Hills revolves around his random killing of an alien girl’s father, which draws Supergirl into his path. Additionally, The Hollywood Reporter notes that the character will be depicted as shooting arrows at Supergirl and her companion, Krypto, injuring the beloved superpet and escalating the conflict.
The screenplay for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is being written by Ana Nogueira, known for her work on The Vampire Diaries and the forthcoming live-action Teen Titans movie. Craig Gillespie, renowned for directing I, Tonya and Cruella, will be directing the movie. This film marks the second feature in the new era of DC Studios, led by Gunn and Peter Safran, following Gunn’s Superman, set to premiere on July 11, 2025. Supergirl is slated for theatrical release on June 26, 2026.