Home Business Flight attendants not paid for ground time

Flight attendants not paid for ground time

Flight attendants not paid for ground time

Air travel has become more stressful than ever for flight attendants due to fuller flights and leaner staffing. A longstanding practice followed at most airlines is the inability for flight attendants to clock paid time until the aircraft doors are closed. This has led to a demand for change by flight attendants who feel they should be compensated for more of their time.

Julie Hedrick, a flight attendant for American Airlines and president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, pointed out that flight attendants have a lot of unpaid time in their days, including the hours spent in airports, waiting for their next flight, and the time spent boarding passengers and their bags. There is a call for a major change in how flight attendants are paid, with a push for a 33% raise to be included in their contracts.

However, airlines like Alaska Airlines and Delta argue that boarding time on the ground is compensated, but flight attendants disagree. The Association of Flight Attendants is pushing for better compensation, especially in light of the increased stress and responsibility that flight attendants have to handle, including dealing with unruly passengers and security threats. Currently, contract negotiations are ongoing with the hope that an agreement can be reached to address these issues.

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