Home Business Twitter’s daily active user count in decline, confirmed by CEO Linda Yaccarino.

Twitter’s daily active user count in decline, confirmed by CEO Linda Yaccarino.

Twitter’s daily active user count in decline, confirmed by CEO Linda Yaccarino.

Elon Musk’s chosen CEO for X, Linda Yaccarino, recently gave an interview at Vox Media’s Code 2023 event where she revealed some concerning statistics about the platform. She shared that X, formerly known as Twitter, has lost daily active users since Musk took over. The company currently has 225 million daily active users, a decline of 11.6% or tens of millions of users since before Musk’s acquisition. Twitter had 254.5 million daily active users the week before Musk’s takeover, according to Musk’s tweets from November last year.

After the event, X revised its daily active user count to 245 million, but even this number shows a loss of around 3.7% compared to before Musk’s acquisition. In fact, X has seen a drop of nearly 15 million users or 5.6% since Musk took over. Yaccarino initially avoided discussing user metrics during the interview, but she did mention X’s growing monthly active users, which have reached a record 550 million. However, it remains unclear how much of this growth occurred under Musk’s leadership.

It’s important to note that Musk has started focusing on “unregretted user minutes” instead of daily or monthly active user numbers. This is a metric that seems to be self-created by Musk. Overall, the statistics reveal a decline in X’s user base since Elon Musk’s involvement, raising concerns about the platform’s future growth and popularity.

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