Home Latest News Biden signs stopgap measure ahead of midnight deadline, averting government shutdown.

Biden signs stopgap measure ahead of midnight deadline, averting government shutdown.

Biden signs stopgap measure ahead of midnight deadline, averting government shutdown.

President Joe Biden signed a stopgap bill into law to avert a government shutdown just hours before the midnight deadline. The Senate passed the measure after the House reversed course and passed a bipartisan bill to extend government funding. In a statement, Biden criticized House Republicans for the last-minute scramble and expressed relief that the government would remain open. The stopgap bill will only keep the government funded until November 17 and includes natural disaster aid but not additional funding for Ukraine or border security.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s decision to put a bill on the floor that would win support from Democrats may put his speakership at risk as hardline conservatives threaten to oust him. McCarthy defended his actions, daring his detractors to try to push him out and emphasizing the need for effective governance. McCarthy suffered a defeat when the House failed to advance a GOP stopgap bill, increasing the pressure on him to work with Democrats. Furthermore, hardliners are expected to force a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker, possibly in two days after the House reconvenes on Monday.

The House vote to pass the bill came after a chaotic few hours of deliberation among House Republicans. The Senate had been working on its own bipartisan stopgap bill but decided to support the House-passed bill instead. Republican Senator Rand Paul, who had initially planned to slow down the Senate’s consideration of the bill, announced that he would not impede the process. A government shutdown could have significant impacts across the country, affecting air travel, drinking water, and various government operations, although essential services would continue.

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