The television series The Boys is expanding with a spinoff titled Gen V, which centers on a group of superhero trainees at the esteemed Godolkin University. While the original series is nearing its conclusion, Gen V is set to continue with new characters joining the narrative.
According to Deadline, actors Keeya King (Yellowjackets), Julia Knope (In the Dark), Tait Fletcher (The Mandalorian), Stephen Kalyn (Warrior Strong), Stacey McGunnigle (This Hour Has 22 Minutes), Wyatt Dorian (Eerie Hall), and Georgie Murphy (Accused) will play recurring roles in the second season of Gen V. The specific roles these actors will portray and their characters’ involvement at Godolkin University remain undisclosed. However, it has been revealed by season one stars Derek Luh and Maddie Phillips that production on the new season wrapped earlier this week.
Production on the series experienced a pause in March following the death of Chance Perdomo, who played the character Andre. In May, it was announced by Prime Video that Perdomo’s role would not be recast, leading to a rewriting of the season’s plotlines. Season one actors Jaz Sinclair, Lizzie Broadway, London Thor, and Asa Germann are set to reprise their roles in the upcoming season.
Both Gen V and The Boys are slated to return to Prime Video in 2025. Additionally, the streaming platform has announced other spinoffs. At San Diego Comic-Con, it was revealed that Jensen Ackles’ Soldier Boy and Aya Cash’s Stormfront will star in Vought Rising, a prequel series set in the 1950s that explores the origins of the Corporation and its superhero creation endeavors. Furthermore, a series set in Mexico, produced by Gael Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna of Andor, has also been announced. Future projects could potentially include a film adaptation.