Super Evil Megacorp has announced the upcoming release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate for the Nintendo Switch, set to debut in July. Departing from the traditional beat ’em up style of previous TMNT games, Splintered Fate is a roguelike action game that sees players controlling the four brothers as they traverse through different universes on dynamic runs. Temporary upgrades can be unlocked along the way, with permanent unlocks available for dedicated players after each elimination, adding a unique twist to the roguelike experience.
Each of the turtles in Splintered Fate will boast their own distinct skill set, enhancing replayability and adding depth to the game’s four-player co-op mode. While an exact release date beyond July 2024 has yet to be confirmed, fans of the franchise can anticipate an exciting and fresh take on the beloved heroes in a half-shell. As Super Evil Megacorp continues to develop this innovative TMNT title, gamers are encouraged to stay tuned for further updates and announcements regarding the game’s release.
With its universe-hopping gameplay and emphasis on individual turtle abilities, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate offers a new and engaging experience for fans of the iconic franchise. Whether playing solo or with friends in co-op mode, players can look forward to challenging runs, unlockable upgrades, and the opportunity to master each turtle’s unique skills. As the game’s release date draws closer, anticipation builds for what promises to be a refreshing and dynamic addition to the world of TMNT video games.